2025 International Conference on Astronomy and Optical Measurement (AOM 2025)
Technical Program Committee Chair
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Prof. Ruisheng Zheng

Shandong University, China


Ruisheng Zheng, Professor, doctoral supervisor, Shandong University Qilu young scholars specially hired professor. It mainly studies the activity phenomena and physical processes in the solar atmosphere, including coronal mass ejections, flares, prominence / filament eruptions, coronal extreme ultraviolet waves, etc. Forty-four SCI papers have been published, including 20 first and corresponding authors, with a total of more than 580 SCI citations and more than 440 citations. He presided over the astronomical joint project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the youth project and the youth project of the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China, and participated in a major project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.



Prof. Tongjie Zhang

Beijing Normal University, China


Tongjie Zhang is a professor and doctoral supervisor of Beijing Normal University. Member of China Astronomical Society ; member of International Astronomical Union (IAU) Cosmology Branch; chinese member of the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) Standing Committee on Extraterrestrial Civilization Program (IAA SETI). The main research directions are physical cosmology, cosmology theory and observation, and extraterrestrial civilization theory and observation. In international astrophysics and physics journals such as ApJ, MNRAS and PRD, more than 100 SCI articles (including PRL and Nature Astronomy) have been cited for nearly 1500 times, with a maximum of 400 citations per article. He led the research team to propose a new method to directly measure the expansion acceleration of the universe by using the 21 cm absorption line generated by radio radiation passing through the intergalactic neutral hydrogen cloud. By using the ' Tianhe-2 ' supercomputer, the numerical simulation of cosmic neutrinos and dark matter is carried out, showing the long evolution process of the universe for about 13.7 billion years.
